Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bio: Kelsie

About Kelsie:

Most important thing to me:  Do I have to pick one???  Well I can’t, so here it goes.  Dominic, my son, is the most important of the important things to me.  He is three years old, loves animals, frog hunting, hats, playing in puddles, music, curious George, and riding his strider bike.  Dominic is my reason to pursue dreams in life and now I am back in school (the third most important thing to me).  I am studying to become a Biologist but have not decided on what field. I have been so blessed with amazing mentors and opportunities through school and will be spending my summer at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve where I plan to hike and get a good suntan in preparation of WW weekend.  The second most important thing to me is my family; I am the baby of 5 kids and now the proud auntie to four nephews and three dogs.  Although we are spread throughout all of the US my family has remained close and forever tied through the loss of my brother at age 16.  Kasey did not pass from cancer but I did learn at an early age what it is like to lose someone you are close to and to desire to do whatever you can to help others.

Things I like:  Listening to calling frogs, feeling my horses breath on my face, my mom’s: fruit pizza, special K bars, rice crispy bars, strawberry cake…ok so any dessert my mom makes, slippers, naps, overcoming trials in my life, getting done with a workout, and freshly made beds (especially if I didn’t make it)

Things I dislike:  Starting a workout, needles, wet shoes, the sound of ice crystals scraping in a freezer, mushrooms, and getting my eyebrows waxed

Favorite quote: “Every sinner has a future and every saint has a past.” -Anonymous

Most Joyful Moment:  My heaven moment (the moment if I had to live only one for the rest of my life) would be one day when I was riding my horse at sunset on a trail that bordered a meadow and there was a cool breeze and the scent of wildflowers in the air.  We galloped for that stretch of trail and I remember thinking I could feel God.  I have never felt so close to nature and to understanding the meaning of life as I had at that moment, my heaven moment.

Why I am part of >cancer: I am part of the wilderness warriors hike against cancer because:
  • My son’s future>cancer
  • Jim who loved me like a daughter when I was an awkward terrible teenager >cancer
  • Riding off into the sunset >cancer
  • A good cup of coffee >cancer
  • Just about anything I can think of >cancer

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