Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bio: Bri

About Bri:

There are two major parts of my life, a before and after, a bad and a good, the ugly and now the beautiful. I won’t go into too much detail about my past, because this girl likes to keep her sights set forward. But I will tell you that I was wrecked, and the pivotal point was when I met Jesus. He radically changed my life and every day I am waking up to a new adventure that He has planned for me…it’s so awesome! God freed me from my past guilt and my shame that now I can just rest in his grace. I’m absolutely surrounded by blessing, there is no way that I accomplished all this on my own.

One of the ways that I am greatly blessed is that no one in my immediate family has had to fight against cancer. I will stand up to support my friends and their families, and those who have personally fought. Newly found friendships has brought me to this >cancer Wilderness Warrior Hike Against Cancer and I am honored to be a part of this healing, knowing that all of their experiences will affect the way that I process and handle any future run ins with cancer.

“Like” list… My best friend and husband Adam, road trips in our van, bike rides, letting my imagination unleashed, being outside in all elements of the wonderful Minnesota weather, smelling things good or bad, modern day treasure hunts (aka thrift shopping), creating something out of nothing, cooking, gardening, Oh, my two beautiful kids Evan (6) who is so clever, and Mavis (18 months) who is beautifully fearless.

“De-like” list…trying to keep up with social media, mosquitos, whiners and complainers about misquotes, forgetting about food and then it burns, and I really can’t think of anything else.

I am so excited that I get to be a part of CFLC and glad that I was given the chance to plant new genuine friendships.

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