Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bio: Angela

About Angela:

Thank you to the CFLC for taking me along on these adventures, culturing me and expanding my mind!

I accept this challenge in complete support for my friends who have rolled up their sleeves and said we can make a difference even just one life at a time!

A bit about me…

I’m a family girl and love them with all my heart. My husband Shawn is amazing and loves me all the days even when I don’t choose joy, but he’s mine so that’s all you need to know. :) We have two boys Beck (8) and Kai (5). Being a mom is the most rewarding, challenging and heart tugging privilege I’ve ever had.

I’m a Daddy’s girl, am a spittin’ image of my Ma and have two younger sisters. I totally have the big sister mentality, so if you mess with any of my family…you better be ready to mess with me!

My husband and I chose as adults to be baptized two years ago on Easter. I am so thankful for the love and change Jesus has brought into our lives and home.

I love fast-pitch softball, it’s part of my heartbeat – specifically catching. I played and coached at the collegiate level and still play in the old lady league each summer. Some of my other loves are: a smile, a hug, good coffee talk, homemade taco salad, running while it’s snowing, swinging on swings, butterflies, rainbows, the look on my kids' face when they accomplish something, being on or near the water at the family cabin, my dad’s patience, my mom’s rhubarb crunch, helping people, games and competition, beer and chips with a good movie and any old good adventure!

My adventure with the Wilderness Warriors is in honor of: My Grandpa Haala (my only dollar dance :), my good friend Julie, Tami, Charlie, Melissa, Kate, Tom, Paul, Ken, Mickey, those not mentioned and anyone who crosses the path – may you be mighty and strong-hearted to know you will always be >cancer!

“I hope you dance…”

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