Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bio: Kelsey

About Kelsey:

In the interest of full disclosure, I should start by saying that (thankfully) none of my family or close friends have been directly affected by cancer. The reason I'm a part of this effort is to show my love and support to my fellow Christmas Fettucine Ladies Club mates who have been, most specifically Vicky, Liz, and Emily. While I don't know what it's like to deal with the devestation that cancer causes, I know what it's like to need a reliable support system when grieving a loss or celebrating a victory. To my dear friends: I'm proud to know such strong and capable women. Thank you for letting me be a part of your story.

The first thing and most important thing that I want anybody to know about me is my complete and utter reliance on Jesus. He didn't save me from a terrible life - He saved me from a purposeless life. Every word I say, person I love, breath I take is done out of gratitude for Him. To everyone out there, I want you to know: God is not mad at you! He adores you! I pray that this truth will change other lives the way it's changed mine.

I'm married to the manliest man this side of the Mississippi. His name is Peter and he has a beard that will make you tremble in your galoshes. He is my favorite person on the whole entire planet, by far, and I love every day that I get to spend with him. He just makes me so darn happy.

We have a handful of kids who are, well, a handful. Emery is 7 but already has the wisdom of someone much older. Pryor is 4 and I've never seen anyone who is so hungry to learn new things as him. Betsy Ransom is 2 going on 16 - she won't leave the house without a princess dress, princess hair, princess band-aid, princess undies, and/or sparkles on her eyes.

I don't like sitcoms or onions. I love to do crafty things, even though they never quite turn out the way I see them in my head. I love beer, but only out of a bottle. I eat at Chipotle once a week for date night and I get the exact same thing every single time. I'm a sucker for a cheesy novel. I used to be afraid of spiders but it became too incovenient so now I just deal with them. I often offend people without knowing it because I speak faster than I think (I'm working on this). I love rock and roll. I don't know how to wink.

I think that's everything you need to know, plus a little extra just for kicks. Thanks again to the CFLC for being my friends. Thanks most to Jesus for being better than everything else in the universe.

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